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Apr 15, 2022

On April 22, Change Inc.'s first Transition Arena will take place. Place. The subject is the shift in revenue models: from paying for possession to paying for use. Or as it is called in trendy terms: the 'service model'. Co-founder of StartGreen Capital and Oneplanetcrowd. Coenraad de Vries takes a seat to share his vision and experience.

'As an 'alternative financier' we have a very good track record in the field of circularity,' Coenraad explains his seat at the round table. 'Good examples are our financing from Fairphone, Mud Jeans, Seepje and Peerby. I like to tell about our experiences in order to be able to take a step indirectly or in collaboration towards one of our objectives: a circular economy.'

Changing business cases
In addition to Coenraad on behalf of StartGreen Capital, representatives of Vattenfall, Rebel Group, PreZero, Peerby and Dutch Clean Tech Solutions will sit at the table. The central question at this interactive meeting is: 'How does a business case change with the emergence of the circular economy?' The table guests tell about the successes and the lessons learned† In the second part, those present can talk to the diners about their own case or ask for advice about their challenge.

More information and the registration form can be found at: Change Transition Arena: The service model

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