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August 22, 2023

In the Impact Rreport can ulezen what impact we make with our portfolio companies: positive and negative. Recently has Cool set the climate impact from model yourself measured. It shows that we are so consciously engaged in minimization of our greenhouse gasemissions, that we have the certificate 'K.lsize conscious' have got. 

To measure and minimize our own greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we partner with Cool set. They offer an automated platform with which companies can measure, analyse, reduce and offset their carbon footprint.  

Enriched estimates

Coolset has measured StartGreen's climate impact over Scope 1, 2 and 3. They did this based on our payment details, which are automatically entered through our accounting software. Coolset estimates a carbon footprint for all transactions. These estimates are then enriched by human analysis.  

Scope-3 largest share

In 2022, our estimated greenhouse gas footprint was 220 metric tons of CO2, primarily caused by Scope 3 emissions from our suppliers (97%). Scope-3 includes all emissions that are not related to the company itself, but for which the organization is indirectly responsible. In most cases, these emissions are related to organizational support services (32%) or externally purchased equipment (20%). This year we have several initiatives planned to reduce our emissions. 

Proud of recognition

“The 2023 Climate Awareness certificate highlights our sustainability efforts and indicates that we are taking proactive steps to measure and reduce our emissions. We are proud of this recognition of our efforts in this area,' says Laura Rooseboom, Managing Partner of StartGreen.

View our certification page: Startgreen: Our Climate Impact Commitment (

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