If you have a complaint about StartGreen Capital's products or services, you can submit it free of charge via info@startgreen.nl. The complaint must be submitted in Dutch or English.
You will receive a written confirmation of receipt of your submitted complaint within ten working days at the latest, giving you an indication of the expected handling time. We try to handle simple complaints immediately. For other complaints you can usually expect a response within six weeks, by telephone or e-mail.
If the same complaint occurs more often within a limited period, StartGreen Capital strives to find a structural solution to this complaint.
If the complaint relates to a situation that occurred more than one year before it was submitted, StartGreen Capital is not obliged to process this complaint. You will be informed of this in writing.
If the complaint concerns an employee or partner of StartGreen Capital, your complaint will be discussed with the person or organization concerned, unless you have expressly objected to this.
Your complaint will be included in a StartGreen Capital complaints register and kept for at least five years after settlement. All complaints are periodically discussed within the management of StartGreen Capital and, if necessary, analyzed by the Compliance Officer. StartGreen Capital reports annually on the complaints received and their handling to the AFM.